All information is based on our current understanding as of the date that it is posted. Please keep in mind this information is changing rapidly – it can and likely will change. Some information becomes outdated the same date it posted. Although we will monitor and update this page as new information becomes available, please do not rely solely on this page. We encourage you to contact your Brady Martz advisor for the latest information.

States Extend Deadlines

As of March 25, 2020, North Dakota, Minnesota and Montana have provided relief to file returns and make payments by July 15, 2020 for 2019 returns originally due April 15, 2020, without assessing penalties and interest.

North Dakota has also provided relief for the 1st Quarter 2020 estimate which was originally due April 15, 2020.  This payment is now due July 15, 2020.

Montana also provided relief for the 1st Quarter 2020 estimate which was originally due April 15, 2020.  This payment is now due July 15, 2020.

Minnesota has not provided relief for the 1st Quarter 2020 estimate.  It is still due April 15, 2020.

Further information regarding all states maybe be found at by clicking this link to go to the AICPA website.